Saturday, December 09, 2006

a really quick update

so i just wanted to let everybody know what's going on right now here. we still have a little bit of snow on the ground. actually it's pretty much just ice now. anyways. so this week has been VERY busy. we have been doing a 7 day Global Bridegroom Fast. i think i'm going to do a post where i define all of these things so that i won't have to explain them every time. anyways. not right now though. anyways. so yeah GBF, at the beginning of every month we do a three day fast except in Dec. we do 7 so that it will be forty days. anyways so this means that we are in the prayer room alot more. oh and i have 2 weeks left before i get to see everybody. anyways so i guess that's it.

oh and i also wanted to let everybody know that i sent out an email asking people to do 2 things if they would like to support me financially. i don't think i got everybody and i also think that there are some people i don't have email addresses for so i thought that i would go ahead and tell people on here to.

so here goes.

so we only have two weeks left. one thing i need people to do if you won't to support me financially then i need you to make it out to me and give it to mama. also, i need to ask people to let me know how much you are going to support. since i am living off of support right now i need to know how much more i am going to have to raise before the end of this track. if you could do these two things that would help me out TREMENDOUSLY!!!!

also, i just want to thank you all very very much for your prayers and support.
love you all

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