Sunday, December 10, 2006


so i just figured i would go ahead and put the meanings of the things i right about or at least what the abbreviations mean so here goes

FITN- Fire in the Night- this is what i'm doing
Nightwatch- is from midnight to 6
EGS- is Encounter God Service, we have these on MOST Fri. and Sat. nights
FCF- i'm really drawing a blank right now and i forget what this is, but we have it on Sun. nights
GBF- global Bridegroom Fast- first 3 days of every month except in Dec. we do 7, this makes 40 days a year

prayer room chatter-
sets- that's the two hours that each worship team plays
worship team makeup-
1)worship leader
2)assistant worship leader
3)antiphonal singers (responsive singers, they respond to whatever was sung or prayed on the prayer mic) oh and you have four or five of these
4)prayer leader
5)the assistant prayer leader
6)then you have all of the other band members to

this is by no means in the right order because i'm really not sure what that is..... but these are all of the people who are on stage..... i will explain more about these as i explain the different sets
four different kinds of sets-
worship with the word- in this one basically they do a few worship songs and then they sing something out of the Bible (like last night a group did Psalm 45: 10 through something) then they just develop it.
the process- one of the singers sings the passage, then the prayer leader highlights one of the parts by saying it on the mic, then the singers reply..... it's really neat you just sort of have to hear it.... it sounds really confusing i know but once you get used to it it's really good

devotional worship- the way Mike Bikle puts it this is basically like a concert. the people on stage get to really stretch and show their full musical abilities.... they pretty much do like worship with the word though..... this is a time where you can do homework or whatever

intercessary worship-this is when we pray and intercede for people, this is when people can go up and pray on the mic

prophetic worship- this is basically when you just worship, there's really not that many of these, but sometimes the intercession part turns into this

so that's really all that i can think of right now so if you have any questions feel free to ask. i don't mind explaining anything. so yeah i guess that's all....

love all

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