Friday, November 03, 2006

well then

so i had this really good kinda long post that i was going to write and then i was trying to update my computer so i clicked on something and it restarted my computer and so i lost that whole thing. so basically i just wasted time. which is what i have been struggling with for the past week or so. i really like just hanging out with people and just kind of relaxing but the thing is when i do this i feel guilty because i feel like i can use that time to be in the prayer room. or doing something like going over the numerous notes and things that i have acquired from my classes and egses and all of that (egs is encountering God service, which is what i have tonight. so yeah. oh and the other thing that i said something about in the other blog that i wrote is that i am going to start using this to update people on things that we are praying for and what's going on with me and alot about what i am learning and things like that. so maybe this will help me process stuff a little better and maybe it can also help other people to. so everybody needs to check this whenever they can. also i'm going to start sending out support letters to raise money for my track 2 stuff. in order to do this i really need addresses. so if you could email me your address this would be great. even if you can't help me out send me your address so that i can send you a newsletter. even though i am doing this blog i will send out newsletters this way those who aren't exactly computer people can still find out what's going on. and for those of you who know people that aren't computer people if you could help me out by asking them for their addresses this would be wonderful especially since i don't have everybody's phone numbers. oh yeah i almost forgot about that part. i need those to so that i can call you and follow up with my letter. thank you so so much.

love everybody and next time i will do more if i have time.

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