Thursday, September 07, 2006

the dumps

so today has not been a very good day.... it seems like everything that i touch gets messed up... it did start out pretty good though. it seems as though if my day starts out good it ends up bad and if it starts out bad it ends up good. that's what has happened the past two days. i guess i need to keep the FINISH WELL in mind.... anyways..... so i guess your wondering why my day has been so bad..... well it starts with everything going really really good..... i finished a lesson of writing which means i only have like 12 papers to write now...... yeah i know i'm working on it.... it's just getting really really frustrating when you try so hard and it just keeps getting pushed back in your face cuz you keep messing things up..... it really really stinks.... anyways so then i go to start one of my papers and i'm like hey i can go on and delete some of this stuff off my floppy disk so that i will have more room on there cuz i don't need it any more.... so that's what i did... well i went to open one of the things that i had saved because i was going to use it to do some of the writing that i was fixin to start on.... well i open it and most of what i had written wasn't there..... so i was like OH MY GOODNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so i looked and sure enough i had deleted what i needed... then i thought for a second and i was like oh no..... i hooked back up to the internet and went to my school page to where i turn my stuff in at and looked and sure enough I HAD TURNED IN THE WRONG ONE AND DELETED THE RIGHT ONE!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR if you couldn't tell i was a little upset.... so after searching the computer for like two hours and then finally calling Uncle Tom (thanks by the way) to see if there was any way to get it back i found nothing.... so now i am praying very hard for a miracle..... if i can't get that back i don't know what will happen.... I NEED IT BACK!!!!! anyways.... so after this i just like really really bumbed(sp) and down in the dumps (hence the title)....... then mama calls and she's like (yes mama i'm putting this in here to) well did ya talk to deanne about the money (money for IHOP) no i was a little busy chewing myself out for deleting the stuff before i was completly and totally finished and graduated and married with three kids.... (this is why i like holding on to stuff cuz if i don't this is what happens) back to the money deal..... so i go ask deanne and she tells me how much.... i can asure you that this added to my frustration irritation and everything else.... not necessarily at everybody else just in general because i don't nearly have enough.... and i probly shouldn't put this on here but oh well cuz i am..... this is just the kind of mood i'm in at this point.... oh and i forgot that as i sit here listening to this wonderful captivating CD that i have i also have to listen to this beat that is off tempo and very annoying because my speakers are apparently messed up.... probly because they are just tired but none the less it still adds to my dumpyness...... for me leaving in less than two weeks (1week and six days) i'm not doing so good...... although you wouldn't have guessed it the way i was talking last night about everything that's been going on lately.... so anyways.... instead of doing school right now and messing it up to i have succomb to typing this up for all the world to see near and far..... oh well..... some may think me ungrateful for what i have gotten as far as IHOP is concerned... i'm not ungrateful or unappreciative or whatever... i thank you SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SOOOOOOOOOO much.... it's just that it's getting really really close to time for me to leave and i'm having doubts because of it and those doubts are not good cuz i know that this is what i'm supposed to be doing.... i can't wait to get up there..... i am going to have so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so much fun....... IT'S GOING TO BE GREAT JUST WAIT AND SEE!!!!!! so right now it seems as though God is going to perform a few miracles in order for me to go and that's going to be great to.... so i just previewed this post and it is really really long..... if many people don't read i understand especially since you may get a little mad.... oh well... just understand that i have been in a not so great mood today and give me a little grace (which is harder that law) hehe we figured that out last night at youth..... (thanks mr. T) SO i guess that's all
love ya'll
thanks again to everybody that has helped out with prayers money thoughts or whatever....

1 comment:

Goofy Chic said...

Yeepers, creepers, take a breath. I could actually hear you saying all of that without even taking a breath.

I am praying for you.

I also love you very much,
