Saturday, August 12, 2006

Update on IHOP

"I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jeruselem; The shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the Lord, do no keep silent..." Isaiah 62:6

So i have gotten more information on IHOP:
I have to be there between 2 and 430 on Sept. 22nd.
Here is a description of what i will be doing:
FITN Track I (intimacy) is a prerequisite for those who want to participate in Track II. Track I provides training in encountering the Lord in devotion and intercession. Much time is devoted to cultivating intimacy with the Lord, and growing in the knowledge of God. It also provides training in the foundational principles of the bridal paradigm and the beauty of Jesus.

Again i am asking you all to help me with this because i can't do it on my on. I have nailed down a figure of $3,000. I am saving all of the money that i can in order to buy me a vehicle. So if ya'll could help me out that would be really really great. If you want to look at it more the IHOP website is
Thanks so much and i love you all.


The Georgia Verderys said...

Hi Allison,
I know you're going to have a great time at IHOP. I'm also sure the money will be there. The adventures will just keep on coming. Tyler

The Georgia Verderys said...

Hi Allison,
I already commented once but it didn't post. IHOP is going to be so great. I'm really proud of you for setting your sites on this adventure. I'm sure everything will work out all right. You are in God's hands and you're His favorite. Tyler

princessme said...

Thank you so much... I needed that.

The Georgia Verderys said...

I am so proud of you Allison. I think God likes you or something. He will get you to Kansas City with bells on, if you know what I mean. Keep them ringing.

Goofy Chic said...


You are going to do GREAT things. I can't wait for your adventure at IHOP. God is going to take care of everything you need money, school etc. It will be fine. And you are going to have a great experience whether it's for a day 3 days, 3 weeks or 3 mos. Who knows you may get there and not want to come home.

Just remember I love you very much. You are God's princess, His perfection on earth.

You love completely and deeply there is no halfway about it. But you hurt just the same.

I love you,
